December 7, 2008

Warning: Venting session


This Research and Rhetoric final paper is kicking my butt. 
I still have 1,000 more words to write, and that's after I used half of my Music Business research paper to fill up the other 1,500 words. Just the draft is due tomorrow, but it has to be complete nevertheless. Also, I have a research report for my Analytics class that's due in its entirety tomorrow. Other than that I'm okay.. for NOW.

I have two finals on thursday, which is stressing me out. And then friday that 8 page I mentioned a second ago is due with a bunch of other stuff and also a presentation on my findings. Then, somehow, I have to have a completed art project turned in on Monday morning.. because I've definitely started that, and have SO much time to work on that. < /bitter sarcasm>

Then Tuesday I have my final in Analytics.. so I have to do the bajillions of vocab words and essays for that class as well. *sigh* I'm about to cry from all this work.

I hate finals week.

I wish this paper was done. And I wish I didn't have an art project.

Sorry for complaining.
you know how it is.

Love you.


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