December 4, 2008

In an attempt to procrastinate

(It's longer than I expected... sorry! Congrats if make it through. :))

I'm currently writing a blog.
I don't know what I'll say.
Possibly, I'll discuss my life.

So let's see. 

This week has been weird. I feel like a zombie. 
I was very confused and upset and disoriented.

Sunday night, after returning from the movie Twilight, I received a devastating phone call. Suffice it to say from that point on, my week was a blur. A mass of depression, confusion, guilt and many other emotions. Schoolwork didn't even matter to me anymore.. or maybe I was just more ahead than I thought I was, because it didn't seem like I did any homework. 

So don't shoot me, but I'm currently reading the Twilight series. I know, I know. Pop culture, ugh. right? Well, since I enjoyed the movie quite a bit (it had nothing the super attractive starring actor..< /sarcasm>) I decided to check out the book. I bought it on Black Friday and finished it Sunday morning. I was back at Belmont that night, and it seems like it had been forever, (especially after the long night/day I had after that phone call) but I bought the sequel New Moon on Monday evening. I was on about chapter five, reading here and there. But yesterday, I spent about from 5 to 10 reading the book, and sadly enough, finished it. Yes, I read 500 pages in 5 hours. (Is that slow? =\) Anyways, I can't stop thinking about the characters and the story. It has taken over my thoughts. Which is okay I guess... since I'd rather not be thinking about other things. 

So what's my opinion on Twilight (though you're probably already tired of my talking of it, since you're probably one of those cool kids who don't fall for fads right? haha)? Well, first and foremost, DO NOT COMPARE IT TO HARRY POTTER. J.K. Rowling is simply genius, and no story compares to Harry's. Besides, Twilight is a LOVE story. How can that even be put in the same category? Just because an explosion of tweens like to read about a sexy vampire, doesn't make Stephenie Meyer "the next J.K. Rowling." PFFT. The HP series has a thick, well developed plot line that is so remarkably integrated.. it's a mystery unfolding before you. Seriously, go back and read the earlier books after finishing them all, and you'll notice little clues and hints you never took into consideration before. But anyways, enough about my beloved Harry. 

No doubt, Meyer has a way of portraying real emotion, and grasping the concept of true (for lack of a better term) love--no matter how obsessive or stalkerish it may seem. How I dream of one day having someone by my side that never ceases to excite me every time I see him, or even hear his name. Someone who knows me inside out and loves me deeply despite my flaws. I think there's the attraction for me. Bella and Edward are made for each other, and it causes them physical pain to be apart... imagine how hard that must be for them. I enjoy watching, or rather reading, about how through it all, they still have so much passion. Meyer's strength is her ability to make you feel the emotions of the character. The reading is easy as well, because after all, the story is the thoughts of a 17 year old girl.. how intelligent could Bella's writing be? (I hope this is her excuse) Plus, you have to count in the danger's simply thrilling. I mean, at any moment Edward could just kill Bella, crush her with his hands, break her in half. But he cares so much for her (and this is part of why I like it so much) that he conquers his instincts and is SO careful, and so delicate for her. He is struggling all the time to be with this girl. 

Okay, so onto the actual writing of the book. One word: UGH. This is another reason I get quite angry when people say that she's the "next J.K. Rowling." At least Jo has a massive vocabulary and well, frankly, knows how to flipping write. Sure she [Meyer] has a way of conveying emotions, but her style is elementary and uncreative. (That's not to say that the plot-line isn't) I'm sure anyone who's read twilight has noticed her excessive use of the word "chagrin." So the first time I saw it used I said, "Oh, that's cool, she knows the word 'chagrin' haha, she has vocabulary.." By the 45th time I saw the word, I was grunting, "UGH, stop using the word! Especially improperly like that!" If you read carefully, you can pick out where she used a thesaurus, no joke. 

The other day in my writing class, my teacher goes "throw out your thesauruses!!" and I muttered under my breath, "Stephenie Meyer should throw away her thesaurus." Haha, he definitely heard me, and said aloud "Stephenie Meyer should be forbidden to use another adverb, EVER again." And then he proceeded to go on a rant about how using adverbs shows weakness in writing, because there's mostly likely a word that describes it better.

(with adverb)
run quickly

(without adverb)

See the difference...look how many wonderful words to choose from. Once my professor pointed this out, I began to look for it in her writing, he was absolutely right. You don't need fancy words to describe something. Usually using simple words and a longer description makes it easier to imagine, more vivid.  Wow, this procrastinating thing is really working. I've written a lot. Why don't words come this easily when I'm writing term papers? hmph.

In conclusion, Stephenie Meyer sucks--at writing--but rules at making you addicted to a love story. I was itching for the next book immediately after I finished New Moon. (Mostly so I can see the characters I know and love come to a place where it's happy and good and I know everything will be wonderful forever, that's all I'm asking. haha.)

Sooo.. finals are next week. I'd totally forgotten about that kind of stuff.. you know.. having to study for more than ONE test at a time. I was always exempt in High School. I'm stressing out, but have been reading in an attempt to alleviate the stress and occupy my mind. Though, reading New Moon didn't really help at all.. it made me depressed a lot of the times. As if I had a hole in my heart just like Bella.. one of the talents that I must admit Stephenie Meyer has. She described pain really well. I could literally feel the pain that Bella was feeling, and it wasn't good. It also didn't help that I was already in a delicate state considering the events on Sunday night. I think that's why I finished it so quickly, I wanted a resolution, I didn't want to be sad because Bella was still sad where I was in the story. 

I get really into books.

I apologize for the length of this.. I would write more, but homework calls. 

I love you, no matter what.




    i really like how you have examples of adverbs and verbs? wow. intense. way to go.

    also. stephanie myers = taylor swift. maybe? possibly?

  2. stephenie meyers = taylor swift? what?

  3. well. neither of them are very good/talented. but somehow manage to SUCK YOU IN.

  4. haha, hey.. i think taylor swift is alright. :)
