August 24, 2010


Hey everyone, this is probably going to be tl;dr but I've been basically stalking/attending Jonas events since Wednesday. I'm going to attempt to share everything, or at least the interesting parts. I'll tell you how I got to meet them both Saturday and Sunday! :) Also, I was lucky to get a few really good pictures of the boys.

Monday August 16th, Road Dog Tickets

This day really isn't that significant as far as Jonas events go, however I did go to Coney Island at 7am to pick up my Road Dog tickets for Thursday's game. The important thing that happened on this day was that I met some girls, one in particular named Brigid, who totally hooked me up all week. She's really sweet and later I met all her Jonas friends and we all became good friends.

Wednesday, August 18th Camp Rock 2 Premiere

I wasn't actually planning on attending this, but I slept in that morning and all my friends were going to Promises Promises that night so I had to go into Manhattan to get my ticket because they had already gotten theirs. So after I get my ticket I decided to go over to the Lincoln Center to check things out. The red carpet was already out and there were a bunch of girls there. I got there around 1:30 and my friend Brigid was already there, and that's where I met her friends. We chilled until about 5 when everything started happening. Camp Rock stars were pulling in but they couldn't get out yet for some reason so they had to keep circling the block, haha. Finally Jonas pulls up and we didn't really know if it was them because everyone was in the same type of car. (I kind of knew though because I saw a curly head through the tint haha) The car was sitting there for about a minute before Big Rob came out, and then Joe comes out and waves, and then Nick, Frankie, and Kevin. We were standing directly in front of where the cars pulled up so they could get out so we had a great view.

Then Demi pulls up and she came out of the car on our side so we got to shake her hand/touch her (that sounds creepy). They all look beautiful. Especially the boys, I mean they are beautiful in person. You don't even know. Ugh. They walked around the red carpet, etc etc doing press and photos. Then near the end of their press tour security finally closed the street and the boys and demi walked to the end of the line and walked all the way down shaking people's hands. See video.

Thursday, August 19th Road Dogs Game and Trump

I showed up to the Road Dogs game around 11:45 and there were already a bunch of people there. The boys were warming up on the field. I went to my seat but then immediately went to find another seat closer. I ended up sitting third row right in front of their dugout. I had a good view of everything, including Ashley Greene. I posted the video earlier this week of them with the slow mo and stuff haha, and it got put on OceanUP, lmao. That video is here, btw. The game was fun, but the boys kind of suck (shh don't tell them). I also got really badly sun burnt which has given me a horribly red chest all week. It's finally tan now, AFTER I'm done seeing the boys lol.

So after the game was over and everyone was leaving, people were waiting by their bus thinking the boys would leave on it. Me and my friends were chillin by the suburban just because, we weren't even expecting anyone to come out to it. My friends were like writing their twitter's on the back window with their fingers haha. And then all of a sudden I'm like stampeded from behind as girls are chasing KEVIN. He comes and gets in the car RIGHT in front of us. We were like WTF and then Kevin was just there being like "thanks for being here!" We were cracking up because we weren't even trying to meet them but we were right there.

Then we took the express up to Trump to try and beat them to the hotel. We ended up getting there about 20 minutes before everyone. Kevin stayed on the bus and went through the garage. But Nick came out and I weaved my way through the crowd to the front outside the barricade and I miraculously got my first ever picture with a Jonas Brother.

After Nick went in most of my friends left but we were told that they'd be coming back out around 6 or 7 so I stayed. They of course came out long after they were supposed to, but I saw them at 7:48 as they were on their way to In the Heights to see Jordin perform. They were dressed beautifully, but they didn't take pictures because they were almost late--the show starts at 8. Freaking divas. Joe was totally beautiful though, and I was at the front of the barricade (outside of it) and I was like "Joe" *he looks directly in my eyes* "Can I have a picture?" *he's still looking at me***still looking*** --at this point my thoughts go blank because JOE JONAS IS FUCKING LOOKING AT ME, OKAY?? DON'T JUDGE.

All I know is he told everyone else that they were late to In the Heights and that they didn't have time to take pictures. But Joe looked at me so who cares right? haha

Saturday August 21 - Jones Beach show #1 MEET AND GREET #1

I left my dorm at 9am to meet Brigid and a girl named Mae at Penn Station. We took a train to NJ to meet another friend named Sam because she was driving us to the show. It's pretty expensive to take a train to Long Island, plus you can't get to the amphitheater so we would have had to take a cab. We got ready and then showed up to the venue around 2:50 or so.

So here's the thing, these friends of mine bought wristbands to get into the meet and greets, and we were all so excited because it had worked for them on both Monday and Tuesday's PNC shows. So we were so excited to meet them that night because we thought it was going to work. On our way there though, we got so depressed because one of our friends that was already there and won a M&G texted us and told us that they changed it to fucking STICKERS. FML. The one time I think I'm finally going to meet them. Bitch Jonas Group. We knew it was because one of the girls who snuck in made it really obvious. Ugh.

We were literally silent after that. So disappointed. We got to the venue and tried to get Gio (sp? the security guard) because we sort-of knew him and he said he might be able to get us in. It was so annoying though because there were like 5 of us but all these girls were crowding around US like we had all these connections and could get 1032909834 people into the meet and greet. We kept trying everything we could all the way up, even until the meet and greet had started. We were standing outside the meet and greet line trying to think of something, trying to get a hold of Gio, or SOMETHING. Then Mae asks this dad if he had any extra meet and greets, and he said no. But she told him that we got scammed out of M&G's and that some of us had NEVER met them. His kids had met them before and he was SO nice. He went to check with his kids and he brought back ALL of his four meet and greets. The stickers had been pulled of their shirts.. they literally just took them off and gave them to us! Can you believe that? He was so incredible. So me and three other girls got in but a lot of our friends were sad because they couldn't get in without stickers. I was ecstatic because I had never met them before.

I was given #1 priority because of that. Like we decided that if we couldn't get enough the people who had met them less would get them. We were all so selfless (except for the girl that was previously mentioned about screwing up wristbands for us, which I will explain later) it was so great. But then, you won't believe this--after the four of us were inside for about 5 minutes we see ALL of our friends walking in with STICKERS!! We were like "how did you get in?!?!"

Turns out there's a particular company that's there that gets a bunch of m&g's for winners and sometimes not all of them pick up their prizes. The girl that worked for them wasn't allowed to approach us with them, but we were allowed to approach her and ask! Brigid had no idea the girl would have 6 extra m&g passes when she approached her. She was like "I know this is going to sound obnoxious, but one of our friends has never met them and do you have ANY extra meet and greets?" and the lady was like "actually, i've been stalking you guys and trying to get you away from security... I have 6 extra" and she gave the passes to them!

We were SO amazed that none of us won a m&g, none of us had connections, yet we ALL got in. Srsly incredible. All I have to say to you guys is DON'T GIVE UP. Keep trying. Ask parents if you can watch their kids while they go in and take their m&g pass. DON'T BE AFRAID, YOU CAN GET IN if you try hard enough! :)

After the meet and greet we all went to our seats. Most of us snuck into Orchestra H and somehow, we got like a whole empty row and got to sit together even though none of the seats were ours. The concert was pretty fun, and we weren't even that far away but it was NOTHING compared to Sunday night which I'll tell you about later. I took pictures but they all suck because we were farther away.

After the show we left and went to stay the night at a friends house. We also found out from a friend that ticketmaster was releasing front row seats, so two of my friends bought 2nd row right in front of Nick and we knew that we would all be able to get up there the next night. It was pretty exciting!

Sunday August 22, Jones Beach show #2 and Meet and Greet #2

Sunday morning it was raining, and we were like shiiiit. We bought ponchos and brought a shit ton of umbrellas to be prepared. We got to the venue around 4:30 but it was FREEZING and raining. One of our friends won soundcheck so she went in, and the rest of us waited. We went to talk to the lady who gave us the meet and greets the first day because she said she'd probably have extra the next day too. She said she didn't know if she'd have any but we didn't give up hope.

The day before one of the girls who got into the meet and greet with us exchanged numbers with the woman who got us the meet and greets. I knew in my heart that this chick was going to screw us over. Because SHE was the one with the "contact" so SHE was the one who was ultimately going to get the passes, even if there were a few and not enough for all of us. This is the chick that basically begged my friends for wristbands the first two days and ruined it for the rest of us. She got in both of those days, plus met them saturday and sunday.

So basically it was 7pm and the meet and greet was starting and we were told it was going to be over by 7:30 and we were like shiiiit. The woman was lying to us and telling us she didn't have passes, but really she had already arranged to give all of them to the girl. She went to "the bathroom" and we saw the lady walk out and walk back in and we were like, holy shit did she just give her the passes? Are you serious? So she came back and was like "okay I lied to you guys, I didn't go to the bathroom, she gave me five passes." She took one for herself and her friend. And was all like "i'm so torn, i don't know who to give them to"

She took one for herself and her friend even though there were some of us who hadn't met them at all or had only met them once and acted like she couldn't give up her own. In the end she gave one to our friend Sarah who had never met them and kept being screwed over, so she could finally meet them. Then she gave one to Sam, who had met them like 10 times already and she amazingly gave it to me. She's seriously the best. And girls picked numbers over the last one.

I was excited to meet them again, but it was soooo rainy and windy I looked terrible. This picture is def. photoshopped guys haha. I also kept forgetting to actually TALK to them when I met them. I wanted to say so many things to them but it felt so rushed and idk it was awkward. But I hugged all of them both days and it they are so amazing, adorable, etc etc. They are SO petite. God Joe. He's perfect. When I would leave he rubbed my back and was like "thankks" .. honestly I can't ever remember what happens. My mind goes blank when I'm with them.. it's frustrating haha.

the actual concert----

Was freaking amazing. It was raining but we were all in the first and second row where it's covered by the stage so we didn't get wet. We were dancing and singing and Joe looked at all of us and sang to us and pointed, etc etc. During "Introducing Me" Nick was so surprised, he stopped singing because he could hear that all of us were singing it to him and he let us sing for him. I have a video of it here:

It was so fun. Papa Jonas was right there and he was smiling and laughing and us and he took a video of us. We saw him at Trump the next day and he recognized us. He told us it was the best concert ever.

Because it was raining, the show felt really special. ESPECIALLY during Please Be Mine. When they started singing "can't stop the rain from falling" it just made my night. OH and BTW, JOE IS SEX GOD. He was wearing a sleeveless hoody, and his arms were soaking wet from the rain gahhhhhh. Overall the show was amazing. It was probably the best concert of my life. I was literally, right against the barricade on the front row directly in front of Nick. And I paid $10 for my ticket.

All the rain flooded the highways though so traffic was at a standstill it was horrible. It took us three hours to get home when it should have taken us 45 minutes.

Monday August 23 - Road Dogs Game

I'm so tired of writing guys lol. It was fun, blah blah. It was raining and the guys literally suck. They got slaughtered. But they still looked good, right? Haha. So I'm just going to post pictures, some of them are good, and I have a few of Kevin looking like a ballerina. I honestly don't know how he got a woman to marry him, srsly. OH AND JOE HAD A MAJOR BONER THE ENTIRE TIME, THANKS ASHLEY GREENE.

OH, and we went to trump immediately after the game and missed them by literally THREE MINUTES. FML. We ran up as papa jonas was going in and we were like "did they already go in" and they were like "yea, like three minutes ago." And then I waited until 11:20 last night and nothing. Some chick on OceanUP said she met them last night at 11:25 but that's a total lie. My friend was there at that time and they never came out. She must have meant Saturday night or something..idk.

Here are some of my videos:

Entrance and Feelin Alive:

LA Baby - Joe puts on his hood and power slides. adorable.

Fly With Me with your favorite Joesus

When You Look Me in the Eyes


LOVEBUG - I thought it was cool with the rain

Bows and Nick Falling

That's it. SORRY IT WAS SO LONG. <3

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