April 22, 2009

Recording in the Studio

Oh wow, what a night.

On April 21, we set out to record "Crazier" by Taylor Swift.

1 Producer
1 Singer
1 Guitarist
1 Violinist
1 Staff Engineer
1 Really long night.

First I signed up for studio time at 7:30 but we didn't go eat dinner until 8:00. So we didn't get in there till 9:00 PM. (It ended up working out because the people before us weren't finished yet. Also, I had origninally only signed up for time until 11:30, but thank goodness that person never showed up, we didn't get finished until 1:30.)

Then, it took until 10:45 to FINALLY get everything working right so we could lay down ONE track (guitar).

The thing with consoles, is ONE button could be pressed/depressed and it's messing up your entire project. You have to make sure the mic is input into the right channel, and that it's ready to record by patching it to a separate channel on the digital recorder. Then you want to monitor the sound from the mic, so you have to patch that in, and if you want the musician to hear what's playing (or what they're playing) you need to set up a cue mix. Making sure every track is recorded, mixed, and monitored is a trying task when there's 19283908301983 buttons on the console, and you don't know exactly what all of them do, or why something isn't working. Now that I've spent 5 hours of my life working on it, however, I feel confident enough to say I could *possibly* do it again. :) By the end I was fixing problems and stuff on my own, and it felt good. Thank the Lord for that staff engineer for helping though.

Here are some pictures, and a link to where you can hear what we did tonight.

The Console (just 16 tracks, but they're tracks from hell. I can't even image 128+ track consoles)

Just a few of the patch cables we needed.

Danny's wonderful AKG Perception 200 mic.

Portia in the vocal booth.

Artistic picture, lol.

Here is the link to my other blog with audio: